A degree in Biochemistry can lead to a variety of science-related careers in research and development, health care, university and government sectors, and the biomedical and biotechnology industries.
You may also wish to pursue further studies in the biological science or in medicine. See the full eligibility information for more information about deadlines and required documents for your application. Undergraduate Admissions. Enter your keywords. Apply now. Proof of English proficiency. Downtown Montreal Campus. Biology Sci : The molecular basis of human cancers, including analyzing the events that promote the formation of oncogenes and inhibit tumour suppressor genes, the biochemical properties of the proteins encoded by these genes, and their functions.
Current molecular targets for cancer therapy and the concepts and consequences of inheriting mutations in genes that predispose to cancer. Chemistry : Structure, synthesis, stereochemistry and biosynthesis of terpenes, alkaloids, antibiotics and selected molecules of medicinal interest.
Chemistry : This course will cover biologically relevant molecules, particularly nucleic acids, proteins, and their building blocks. In each case, synthesis and biological functions will be discussed. The topics include synthesis of oligonucleotides and peptides; chemistry of phosphates; enzyme structure and function; coenzymes, and enzyme catalysis; polyketides; antiviral and anticancer agents. Chemistry : A practical course on the application of modern spectroscopic methods for the determination of structures of complex organic and organometallic compounds.
Chemistry : The correlation of theory with physical measurements on organic systems; an introduction to photochemistry; solvent and substituent effects on organic reaction rates, etc. Chemistry : Synthetic methods in organic chemistry and their application to the synthesis of complex molecules.
Experimental Medicine : This course is designed for U3 students who are in a major or honours program in anatomy, biology, biochemistry or physiology and for graduate students. A multidisciplinary approach will be used to teach biosynthesis and processing of hormones, their regulation, function and mechanism of action. The material will cover hypothalamic, pituitary, thyroid, atrial and adrenal hormones as well as prostaglandins and related substances.
Experimental Medicine : Study of the parathyroids, gut and pancreatic hormones and growth factors. In addition, the role of hormones and growth factors in reproduction and fetal maturation will be discussed. Microbiology and Immun Sci : A study of the fundamental properties of viruses and their interactions with host cells. Emphasis will be on phenomena occurring at the molecular level and on the regulated control of gene expression in virus-infected cells.
Offered by: Pharmacology and Therapeutics Faculty of Science. Pharmacology and Therapeutics : Principles of pharmacology and toxicology. Frequently encountered drugs will be used as a focus to illustrate sites and mechanisms of action, distribution, metabolism, elimination and adverse side effects.
Physiology : In-depth presentation of experimental results and hypotheses on cellular communication in the nervous system and the endocrine system. Prerequisite: PHGY or permission of the instructor. Enter your keywords. Section menu. Offered by: Biochemistry Degree: Bachelor of Science. Program Requirements Admission to the Honours program will not be granted until U2.
Overview Biochemistry : An introductory course describing the biochemistry and molecular biology of selected key functions of animal cells, including: gene expression; mitochondrial production of metabolic energy; cellular communication with the extra-cellular environment; and regulation of cell division.
Offered by: Biochemistry Faculty of Science. Overview Biochemistry : Introduction to key methodologies for the isolation, detection and characterization of proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and subcellular fractions, including spectrophotometry, assays of enzymatic activities and chromatographic and electrophoretic methods.
Offered by: Biology Faculty of Science. Overview Biology Sci : The physical and chemical properties of the cell and its components in relation to their structure and function. Overview Biology Sci : Introduction to basic principles, and to modern advances, problems and applications in the genetics of higher and lower organisms with examples representative of the biological sciences.
Offered by: Chemistry Faculty of Science. Overview Chemistry : A survey of reactions of aliphatic and aromatic compounds including modern concepts of bonding, mechanisms, conformational analysis, and stereochemistry.
Corequisite: CHEM or equivalent. Overview Chemistry : Modern spectroscopic techniques for structure determination. Overview Biology Sci : Unified view of form and function in animals and plants.
Overview Microbiology and Immun Sci : A general treatment of microbiology bearing specifically on the biological properties of microorganisms. Overview Microbiology and Immun Sci : Basic immunology, organs and cells, elements of innate immunity, phagocytes, complement, elements of adaptive immunity, B-cells, T-cells, antigen presenting cells, MHC genes and molecules, antigen processing and presentation, cytokines and chemokines.
Offered by: Physiology Faculty of Science. Overview Physiology : Physiology of body fluids, blood, body defense mechanisms, muscle, peripheral, central, and autonomic nervous systems. Overview Physiology : Physiology of cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, endocrine and renal systems.
Restriction: For students in the Faculty of Science, and other students by permission of the instructor Although PHGY may be taken without the prior passing of PHGY , students should note that they may have some initial difficulties because of lack of familiarity with some basic concepts introduced in PHGY Overview Biochemistry : The generation of metabolic energy in higher organisms with an emphasis on its regulation at the molecular, cellular and organ level.
Overview Biochemistry : Gene expression from the start of transcription to the synthesis of proteins, their modifications and degradation. Overview Biochemistry : Modern molecular-biological methods for isolation and characterization of nucleic acids and for analysis of RNA and protein expression, including: plasmid expression, isolation, restriction and ligation; electrophoretic methods and Western blotting; PCR and qPCR applications; immunofluorescence microscopy and basic bioinformatics approaches.
Overview Chemistry : Emphasis is placed on the use of biological examples to illustrate the principles of physical chemistry. Overview Chemistry : Topics covered may include the following: Aromatic compounds, heterocyclic chemistry, sulfur and phosphorus chemistry, organosulfur and organophosphorus compounds, and biomolecules such as lipids, carbohydrates, amino acids, polypeptides, DNA and RNA. Systemic Human Anatomy. Introduction to Dynamic Histology. MATH Calculus 3.
Honours Applied Linear Algebra. Linear Algebra. U1 Complementary Courses. Human Physiology: Control Systems. Human Physiology: Body Functions. Honours Advanced Calculus. Advanced Calculus. Honours Ordinary Differential Equations. Ordinary Differential Equations. U2 Required Courses. Analysis 1. Analysis 2. Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos. U2 or U3 Required Courses. Mathematical Methods in Biology. PHYS Physical Basis of Physiology.
U3 Required Courses. BMDE Partial Differential Equations. PHGY D1. Experimental Physiology. PHGY D2. This program provides a firm foundation in physics, mathematics and physiology. It is appropriate for students interested in applying methods of the physical sciences to problems in physiology and allied biological sciences. Dynamics of Simple Systems. Heat and Waves. Experimental Methods 1. Experimental Methods 2.
Measurements Laboratory in General Physics. U2 Complementary Course. Analysis of Biomedical Systems and Signals. Thermal and Statistical Physics. Electricity and Magnetism. Quantum Physics. Decisions for admission to U3 will be heavily influenced by student standing in U2 courses. The Department reserves the right to restrict the number of entering students in the Honours program.
Students who do not maintain Honours standing may transfer their registration to the Major Program in Physiology. The deadline to apply to the Honours Program is June 1. Application forms are available in McIntyre Upload or insert images from URL. Reply to this topic Start new topic. Recommended Posts. Posted May 21, Link to post Share on other sites. KitKatCo 89 Posted May 21, In terms of what you need to apply to medicine at McGill, they do ask for prereqs : -2 introductory Biology courses with labs at least 6 cr.
Posted May 22, KitKatCo 89 Posted May 22,